Brief synopsis of plot:
-Two immigrants arrive at the docks, with bags, documents etc, waiting to be picked up. Brother and sister.
-Three men appear: Boss man and his two henchmen, to escort immigrants to vehicles and into city.
-Boss man greets immigrants, checks documents, and nods towards henchmen.
-Henchmen escort immigrants towards road where vehicles are waiting.
-Immigrants realise there are two vehicles and they’re going to be separated, panic and confusion.
-Scuffle breaks out between male immigrant and one of the henchmen.
-Female immigrant is forced into van.
-Splash is heard as one of the men fighting falls off the docks.
-Girl is driven off in van.
-Male body on beach on next morning; can’t see which one.
-Person has seen whole thing, now in danger. Van follows them walking down the road.[Similar to 'Dirty Pretty Things', with immigration idea]Storyboards:

Great Yarmouth docks, at night.
Generic unglamourous, dodgy setting.

Immigrant girl: Sarinka - A young white girl, with dark hair, aged about 16/17, who has finished school and worked in a factory, but was made redundant. She comes from Eastern Europe. She is Raphael's sister, they came over to England for money and a better life. They have a deal with Ben to provide illegal documents. She relies on her brother quite a lot, but is a strong minded girl.
Sara Novak. For this character, we have casted Sara Novak, a young 16 year-old Slovakian girl who moved over to England two years ago with her family. She fits the image we are looking for.
Immigrant guy: Rapheal - Slightly older guy, in his early twenties, Sarinka's brother. He had no job and was desperate to support his sister. They have no mother and their father left them. He is also from Eastern Europe, he cares a lot about his sister and is quite strong and physically fit.
Andy Drane. We casted Andy Drane for Rapheal. He is British, but can look quite foreign with costume and props. He is also in his early twenties.
Boss man: Ben - The boss is a well built, wealthy 'business' man. He is helping the immigrants for money, he is slightly dodgy. Drives a very nice Beemer. Ben Howard, just wait till you see the picture. He fits.
Henchman 1: Joe - Both henchman have to be well built, threatening-looking men. They work for Ben, don't talk much, but do his dirty work for him. -Richard Jordan
Henchman 2: Tyrell -Tyrell.
Witness: Lauren Jordan, we decided anyone could be the witness, although it had to be someone who wouldn't react to what they were seeing, therefore someone young or elderly, and also, stereotypically, a girl, as they're probably less likely to act if they see a fight between some older, beefy men. So we're using Lauren, as she's in our group.
(pictures needed)
Car - BMW, with 'B3N' in numberplate, Bossman's car.
Rucksack and shoulder bag for immigrants to carry.
Flashlight, for Henchmen.
Dog? For witness to be walking.
boats, crates.
Female immigrant:
Male immigrant: jeans, light t-shirt, trainers.
Boss man: dark jeans, t-shirt, suit jacket, smart shoes, chain around wrist or neck.
Hench One: similar to boss man's.
Hench Two: similar to boss man's.
Witness: jeans, coat, scarf.
Ideas for title of film:
Division, Divided, Seperation, Seperated. Along came an Immigrant.
Tags: Beach, immigration, docks, death.
Diegetic: footsteps, sound of waves, splash, sound of cars driving up, away, woman screaming.
Non-diagetic: [Ideas of sound track still to come.]