Match on Action shots
Shot Reverse Shot and
The 180 Degree Rule.
Here is the video we produced:
Match on Action:
This is where the action begins in one shot, and is continued in the next, showing the movement from different points of view. For example, Shot 1: a girl walking toward a door. Shot2: the girl coming through the other side of the door.
Shot Reverse Shot:
This is a technique used where it shows one characters face and immediately after shows their view, who or what they are looking at. This can be very effective within the drama genre.

180 Degree Rule:
The 180 degree rule is what must be followed when filming two people on screen. when the people are being filmed from one direction, they must always be filmed from that same direction between them on that side of the line,unless it is shown that the line is being crossed.
For our short film, we decided to film quite a dramatic piece between a mother and her apparent daughter, where the daughter finds out she is adopted and that the other character is her mother.
I was to play the mother, Lauren the daughter and Matt would do the filming. We wanted to film in a cafe, however there are limited cafe's that allow filming or camera's. So instead we filmed in the school canteen, to keep things easy and simple.
Here is the script we made:
Emily- Lauren’s mother
Lauren- Daughter of Emily, adopted by someone else, Emily’s her real mother.
Emily: Hello
Lauren: Hey
Emily: [nervous] I got you a drink…
Lauren: Oh thanks, what did you want to talk to me about?
Emily: [nervous, faltering] Well, this isn’t easy for me…
Lauren: I don’t have long, I’m meeting mum in about 20minutes.
Emily: [exasperated, slightly shaky] That's the thing, she’s not your mother... I am!
Although we managed to include each of the previous features, I don't think we did so, very well. We only used one match on action sequence, of Lauren coming through the door, and then used it slightly when she sat down at the table. We kept to the 180 degree rule throughout the film, however didn't cross the line and just kept the camera on one side. We use a few shot reaction shots, to show the conversation progress and the reactions to the information that is given. We inserted a few transitions during editing as many of our cuts were very sharp and needed to be made much smoother. I think our film could have been slightly longer, with more match on action and shot reaction shot, perhaps we could have had Lauren leaving the room as well.
1 comment:
A short film that nonetheless meets the criteria, although you may want to make full use of the shot reverse shot in your thriller piece. I enjoyed the outtakes!
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