Here are the results of my questionnaire:
The results of my questionnaire show that the majority of the films seen were American, bar two British films which were 'Notting Hill' and 'Music and Lyrics'. This suprised as I hadn't realised what a lack of British films there were, or anything other than American. The most popular films viewed were at the cinema, these were 'Pineapple Express' and 'Step Brothers' 3 people had seen each of these, all other films seen were different.
9/15 of the people interviewed last watched a film at the Cinema, however I didn't find out which one which could have been helpful. 6 people had watched a film at home on DVD and just one had watched the film as it was shown on television. This shows the cinema is quite popular today, as are buying or renting DVD's. Noone had watched any videos, I think these have been phased out. People have said the cinema is much better for watching films as you can go with a large group of friends and the film is shown in better quality, however for the people who prefer the comfort of their own home, DVD's are better.
The film-viewers had found out about the film through television adverts, family/friends/Word of mouth, magazine adverts and cinema trailers. 46% had found out watching television adverts for the film, and decided to go and see it. 20% via friends and family, the film had been recommended or viewers were persuaded to go and watch it by people who had already seen it, or had heard about it and passed information on. Another 20% had seen adverts in magazines advertising the film, and lastly 14% had seen trailers having been to the cinema previously quite recently. I think this is the lowest because these people view films at the cinema frequently as not very many people do.
Emily - well done for getting this done. Simplicity is fine - the line graph doesn't work as well as the others. Your comments are good though I don't quite understand last sentence. Please post your findings on thriller audience this week. mw
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