Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Perfume Advert

This is my perfume advert, it's called Minuit which is french for Midnight. My original name for it was Intimacy, however the pictures i took, didn't quite represent it well enough. I think it would have been aimed at an older target audience, as it seems more mature. I also tried Amore, Jeune Coeurs (young hearts) and Jeune Amour(young love), but these could all have been taken out of context and seemed unsuitable. I decided on Midnight at the last moment, i couldn't really think of anything better, but i'm still not entirely happy with that name. It would need to be a lot darker, and have less pink and reds to fit in with this name. I chose something french because it seems a lot of perfumes come from France or celebrities.

I chose the heart shape, because my perfume is supposed to be a feminine product, aimed at young girls. I also chose to have a picture of a couple holding hands, under a streetlight as this is a cliché look for young couples in relationships or in love. Love or being in relationships is something most young girls can relate with and i think perfumes can represent it quite well. It may make the consumer think they can have this, if they buy and wear the perfume. I tried to make the heart shape look wispy and floating, as if it were a thought or a dream, and to make it look like it had come out of the bottle. I did this using the 'smudge' and 'blur' tools on Photoshop.

My target audience is young girls, probably over 14, but under 20. Which is quite a short gap, but i think it is quite young, because of the colours, the age of the couple I'm using and the hearts. I think this advert would be seen in a girls magazine like 'Sugar' or 'TeenVogue' perhaps, as this is where I see most perfume adverts and one like this would be more suitably placed in a younger magazine.

Here is the original picture I chose to use, I chose it because i liked the effect of the streetlamp and the lighting on the couple. I also like the old brick house in the background.
I altered the picture by making it slightly red/pink, which i did by adjusting the hue,just in the heart.
I also, obviously just cut out a small section of the picture to use in the heart. I wanted to get the couple and the house in, i would have also liked to get the streetlamp in, but it was too high, and didn't look right when i tried lowering it on Photoshop.

I originally had a white background, however decided that a light shade of pink would add to the feminity and the atmosphere i wanted to create. Although I wasn't sure if it would make it too young and girly, I wanted to be aimed at slightly older girls.

I wanted to have a bottle in the advert to show it is a perfume. I had a few to choose from, I decided to use the heart one as it was well coordinated with the other images. Although I wasn't sure if two hearts were too many. I used the stamp to paste the bottle in as it was easier than just copy and pasting. I also took the little cork lid out, to again support the image of the heart floating out of the bottle, almost like smoke or a fragrance.

The font I used is called 'Pristina', I used this one because it is quite smooth and simple, almost like caligraphy. I made it bold and quite large so it would stand out. I used a different, more elegant font for the name Jean De Mont, as this is the company name. I think I could have improved with this, but found it really difficult to come up with one, I kept it French for the style factor and I find many perfume companies that aren't well known English celebrities are usually french names, like L'Oreal or Lancome.
I wanted it black to stand out against all the reds and pinks, I think if may have been a bit too busy, if the font was also pink or red.

In conclusion, although I have worked hard on my advert, I am still not entirely satsified with it. I would have liked a different name, more appropriate to the setting, picture and target audience. I am also not so sure about all the pinks and reds as I think this is what makes it younger than who I originally aimed it at. I think the heart and bottle smoky idea works quite well however the picture is not entirely clear. There could be more detail in it, although I sharpened it on Photoshop, I think it would involve taking another picture.
I think it advertises a fragrance well though, with the heart and bottle.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Second Opinion Needed.

For my advert, I have taken pictures of 'couples', as it's advertising a young girls perfume. However I have a few pictures, and I'm not sure which to use or whether to use any of them at all?

The first is a long shot, by a main road, with a fence in the background.
Vessna & Cuan 2

The second is another long shot, taken at a slightly different location.

Ellen & Schteffen [LS]

The last photo is a closer shot of the above.

Ellen & Schteffen

However, i think they will all need editing.
Also, the name of my perfume was originally 'Intimacy', but it think that might be too mature for the pictures I have and my target audience. So I was thinking perhaps something like Young Love in french, which is 'Jeune Amour'?

Any comments much appreciated.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Media Studies Questionnaire

This questionnaire was taken as part of our Media Studies Film Research. I asked 15 people about the last films they had seen, where they had seen them, what nationality the films were and how they found out about them. My questionnaire was quite simple, and I think it could have had more questions.

Here are the results of my questionnaire:

The results of my questionnaire show that the majority of the films seen were American, bar two British films which were 'Notting Hill' and 'Music and Lyrics'. This suprised as I hadn't realised what a lack of British films there were, or anything other than American. The most popular films viewed were at the cinema, these were 'Pineapple Express' and 'Step Brothers' 3 people had seen each of these, all other films seen were different.

9/15 of the people interviewed last watched a film at the Cinema, however I didn't find out which one which could have been helpful. 6 people had watched a film at home on DVD and just one had watched the film as it was shown on television. This shows the cinema is quite popular today, as are buying or renting DVD's. Noone had watched any videos, I think these have been phased out. People have said the cinema is much better for watching films as you can go with a large group of friends and the film is shown in better quality, however for the people who prefer the comfort of their own home, DVD's are better.

The film-viewers had found out about the film through television adverts, family/friends/Word of mouth, magazine adverts and cinema trailers. 46% had found out watching television adverts for the film, and decided to go and see it. 20% via friends and family, the film had been recommended or viewers were persuaded to go and watch it by people who had already seen it, or had heard about it and passed information on. Another 20% had seen adverts in magazines advertising the film, and lastly 14% had seen trailers having been to the cinema previously quite recently. I think this is the lowest because these people view films at the cinema frequently as not very many people do.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Here's a little about me.

Name: Emily Mullender
Age: 16
Hometown: Norwich
Sixth Form: CNS (City of Norwich School)
Subjects: Media Studies, Psychology, English Combined and German.
Interests: Music, Gigs/Concerts, Dancing, Church, Art, Meeting new people, Trampolining.

I shall finish this later...